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Our vision is to help make the AI ecosystem more representative of society.

Our vision is to help make the AI ecosystem more representative of society. Our education programs aim to help extend opportunities and remove barriers for underrepresented groups so they can bring their unique perspectives and backgrounds to the exciting field of AI.

Man planting lettuce

Access to science

We hope to enable students and those further along in their career to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background. Our student, scholarship, and fellowship programs, created in partnership with different organizations, aim to broaden participation in science and protect the future of research and education.

Research Ready

Established in 2023, Research Ready funding was provided to six universities to support their efforts to build programs that support 60 undergraduate students in the UK and USA with the opportunities to gain summer research experience in the field of AI and adjacent fields. Participants are offered workshops and skills days to develop their knowledge of how to successfully apply to postgraduate degrees as well as a sense of community and belonging. Students are given financial support and university accommodation for the duration of their research placements, plus travel expenses to ensure everyone can access the opportunities.

Each university manages its own program, award processes and recruitment timelines. For further information, such as eligibility or relevant course deadlines, consult the relevant university websites.

Postdoctoral fellowships

The Google DeepMind Academic Fellowship Program provides an opportunity for early-career researchers in the fields of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence to pursue postdoctoral study and build the experiences and research profile that will enable them to progress to full academic or other research leadership roles in future.

Alongside financial support, Google DeepMind provides opportunities for fellows to be mentored by senior Google DeepMind researchers. Google DeepMind will not direct their research and fellows are free to pursue any research direction they wish.

Fellowships are open to early-career researchers who have completed a PhD in Machine Learning, Computer Science, Statistics or another relevant field by the time they start their postdoc. We particularly encourage candidates who identify as Black to apply because this group is currently underrepresented in AI research.

Google DeepMind has partnered with three UK universities so far to launch the Fellowship program, with more to follow in the 2023/24 academic year. For detailed eligibility criteria, including how to apply when Fellowships are open, refer to our partner university websites.

2022/23 Academic Fellows are at the following universities:

2023/24 Academic Fellows will be announced at the following universities shortly:

  • University of Birmingham
  • Imperial College London
  • University of Edinburgh

Postgraduate scholarships

Google DeepMind established our scholarships program in 2017 in an effort to help build a stronger and more inclusive AI community, who can bring a wider range of experiences to the fields of AI and computer science. The scholarships provide financial support to students from underrepresented groups seeking to study graduate courses relating to AI and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a Google DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend leading AI academic conferences and Google DeepMind events.

Learn more about our scholarships

Pan-African 'AI for Science' masters program

We have partnered with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) to co-create a ‘AI for Science” pan-African Masters program. The program will give talented students from across the region a chance to pursue advanced studies at AIMS South Africa, and connect with Google DeepMind’s researchers and engineers for mentoring and support.

The curriculum will look at how we can use AI to better understand the world around us and accelerate progress on some of today’s most fundamental and fascinating scientific challenges. It will be developed by AIMS and Google DeepMind, with input from four world-leading local scientific groups:

The AI for Science program will run from August 2023 to July 2027. Applications are now open!

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School-age AI programs

Our dedication to science makes us who we are. That’s why we partner with education charities and social enterprises to help tackle the gaps in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and support AI education.

Through our partnerships with Raspberry Pi Foundation,, STEM Learning and Chess in Schools we hope to inspire the next generation.

Teaching & learning resources

Many on our team hold university professorships and teach or supervise students at Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Imperial, and elsewhere. We also partner with many world-leading academic institutions to extend research and teaching capacity. So far, we’ve established academic chairs in machine learning at the University of Alberta, UCL, the University of Oxford, and the University of Cambridge.

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Community support

We believe that everyone should feel able to participate in science and we are committed to supporting organizations that create community and advance diversity within the sector. Our team members regularly dedicate their time and expertise to advancing discussions about AI in their communities and we are proud partners of the Anita Borg Foundation, Women in Machine Learning, Black in AI, and more.

We are also founding partners of the Deep Learning Indaba, the Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School, and the AI4Good Summer Lab.

The scholarship program

Increasing representation in AI offers a huge opportunity for bringing diverse values, hopes, and concerns into conversations about the design and deployment of AI. This is critical for making sure AI technologies are built to benefit everyone – and an essential part of realizing AI’s potential to become one of the most important technologies ever invented.

Watch "Benedetta's story"

Support for all

We established the scholarship program to help build a stronger and more inclusive AI community, which can bring a wider range of experiences to the fields of AI and computer science. Our scholarships provide financial support to students from underrepresented groups, who are seeking graduate studies in AI-related and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a Google DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend leading AI academic conferences and Google DeepMind events.

Find your scholarship

Universities around the world offer Google DeepMind scholarships to AI graduate applicants. Find opportunities with our partner institutions below.


Still have questions? Find answers to some of the most common questions about the Google DeepMind scholarship program.

Where are scholarships available?

The Google DeepMind scholarships program is available internationally, with scholarships currently offered in Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Turkey, Uganda, the UK, and the USA.

Who can apply for a scholarship?

These scholarships aim to support talented students from groups currently underrepresented in AI by removing barriers to access as they progress from undergraduate to postgraduate study.

Scholarships are available to eligible offer holders on specific graduate courses at universities participating in the Google DeepMind scholarship program. Each university runs its own application and recruitment process both for their Google DeepMind scholarships and relevant graduate courses, so consult university websites for details on the required qualifications to apply to these course(s) and, where relevant, any separate application process for the scholarships.

To find out which underrepresented groups are eligible for the scholarships, we recommend consulting university websites for more details, as this can vary from university to university.

Finally, as the program is international, at any point in the year some university deadlines will have already closed for intake, whereas others will not yet be open. Please check details carefully and watch for announcements.

Can currently enrolled students apply?

Scholars are generally supported financially for the duration of their study, from the year they join their course. Therefore, these scholarships aim to support students from their point of entry into a graduate program, through until they graduate, rather than partway through an existing course.

Are the scholarships only offered in AI?

Google DeepMind scholarships support graduate study in AI and related fields, including some cross-disciplinary courses. Check university websites for details.

Do all universities offer both Masters and PhD scholarships?

All of the universities offer masters-level funding for specific courses. Some also offer a limited number of PhD scholarships in AI and related fields. Check participating universities' websites for details.

What financial support does the scholarship offer?

The scholarships aim to ensure that scholars receive full financial support (tuition, stipend or living costs, and a grant for necessary equipment and attendance at an academic conference). Scholars are generally supported financially for the duration of their study, from the year they join their course.

In a few cases, where graduate funding is already available through the university or department, Google DeepMind scholarships serve to enhance the existing funding, support the educational experience, and give the scholar the opportunity to focus more fully on their studies.

Why do you offer Google DeepMind mentors to scholars?

Google DeepMind mentoring is focused on personal development and growth. Scholars can choose to be matched with a personal Google DeepMind mentor, who supports the mentee to develop their confidence and pursue their goals for up to one academic year.

Mentors are not supervisors or academic advisors, and don’t provide support with research topics or directions, but do aim to help the mentee to build skills that will help them succeed in their graduate course and beyond.

How are the scholars selected?

Each university offering Google DeepMind scholarships manages its own application process and recruitment timelines, so further information, such as eligibility or relevant course deadlines, should be explored via university websites. Eligible scholarship recipients are selected from the individual university’s offer-holder pool for qualifying courses; Google DeepMind does not select scholarship recipients.

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A commitment to learning

Whether you’re a student, researcher or just curious, we want to help you explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence.

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How can AI help us fight climate change?